Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

Solution Zone


Stop bad data from wrecking your GTM. Enrich forms in real-time: FormsIntel captures and enriches data from your Hubspot or Marketo forms before entering your database so that you can prioritize the best leads. Enrich any list: Maximize ROI for your event marketing campaigns by appending missing fields to contact records such as email, phone, company, location or LinkedIn profiles. Only export clean data to your CRM: All company and contact records are checked to ensure no duplicates are added before exporting to your CRM or marketing automation platform. Put data enrichment on auto-pilot: Schedule your database to be auto-enriched on a regular cadence, by a trigger, or by manually checking records.
ABM/ABXAccount TargetingData Quality & AccuracyDemand GenerationIntegrated MarketingLead Nurturing/ScoringMarketing OperationsRevenue/Sales OperationsSales Enablement

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